Houston Local Counsel
Providing Texas legal counsel and expertise for civil or
commercial disputes in Harris, Fort Bend, and contiguous counties.
info@pennellfirm.com | 713.965.7568

Experienced enough to try your case. Smart enough to know my place.
From time to time, I employ local counsel, an experience which often leaves me frustrated. Some lawyers take my client’s money but don’t return my phone calls. Others want to second guess my approach despite not understanding the bigger picture. The best keep me informed, alert me to local customs, and provide fresh insights.
If you are needing Houston counsel, I can help. I’ve handled most kinds of commercial disputes in the state, federal, and bankruptcy courts here. I can help you navigate the intricacies of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure (they’re nothing like the Federal Rules, trust me on that) and the nooks and crannies of Texas law. And most importantly, I won’t make you look bad in front of your client.
Clients & Practice Areas
Business Owners (Partners, Shareholders, Members)
Contractors, Homebuilders, Engineers, Design Professionals
Commercial Landlords and Tenants
Employers and Executives
Individuals (Homeowners, Employees)
Insurance Companies and Brokers
Manufacturers, Distributors, and Retailers
Oil & Gas (Operators, Working Interest Owners, Royalty Owners)
Professionals (Doctors, CPAs)
Real Estate Owners, Brokers, and Agents
Small and Mid-Size Businesses
Commercial litigation
Real Estate
Partnership, shareholder, member disputes
Employment and non-competes
Consumer/deceptive trade practices
Collection and creditor’s rights
Contract disputes
Oil & Gas
Landlord/ tenant
Intellectual property / trade secrets
Corporate Governance

Why should I hire you?
Litigation is expensive and disruptive under the best of circumstances. My job is to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively. This obviously requires professional excellence but also listening patiently, planning strategically and advising candidly.
Lots of attorneys describe themselves as “aggressive” and promise to “fight for you.” An aggressive approach can be very effective and, certainly, no one wants a wimpy lawyer. However, aggressive for the sake of being aggressive can sometimes be counterproductive. Tempers flare, parties dig in their heels, and no one wins except the lawyers.
Does this mean I’m not aggressive? Far from it. But when I’m aggressive, there’s a purpose behind it. Sometimes (gasp!), restraint is better, sometimes for tactical reasons, but sometimes just to neutralize the anger and resentment that so often drive litigation. The goal is to resolve, not prolong, the case, without sacrificing the result.
Most of my clients are familiar with litigation. Ask them and they’ll tell you that I am very good at what I do. They’ll tell you how I convinced the jury to find in their favor; how I convinced the judge to throw out a meritless lawsuit; how I garnished their adversaries’ bank accounts. Those are good days.
Some clients, however, are not litigation savvy. They are anxious and vulnerable and dependent on me to guide them through one of the scariest times of their lives. It is a sobering responsibility, but a rewarding one. For on the really good days, I help them find peace and leave them lighter, freer, and able to enjoy a good night’s sleep. They thank me, invite me to their kids’ birthday parties, and ask me to grieve with them, for no other reason than that I am their lawyer and they want me there. On those days, I know I’ve made a difference.
And that is why I love what I do.
Request A Consultation
19 Briar Hollow Lane, Suite 110,
Houston TX 77027
1 713 965 7568
Mon-Fri: 8am – 5pm

19 Briar Hollow Lane, Suite 110, Houston 77027
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